Embedded Systems Projects for Engineering Students:

Projects for Embedded Systems for ece student: Nowadays we regularly hear about one among the foremost important concepts in electronics, that’s Embedded Systems. what’s embedded systems? Why many of us prefer embedded systems in these days?
Many engineering students show lot of interest to try to to the projects supported embedded systems in their final year. for his or her purpose, we’ve listed here a number of the simplest embedded systems projects ideas which are all very helpful to urge a thought about what sort of projects that they will choose in engineering level.
This list includes many 8051 Micro-controller Projects,
PIC Projects and AVR Microcontroller projects. a number of the samples of microcontroller based projects are water level controller using 8051, Propeller LED display, Automatic Railway Gate Controller with High Speed Alerting System, detector robot, Biometric attendance system, etc.
Here are list of Embedded Systems Projects for Engineering Students
1.Embedded Web Tech in Traffic Monitoring System : Projects for Embedded Systems
The principal objective of this project is to make software & hardware which will streamline audio data with the help of USB 2.0. this is often an XMOS & USB 2.0 based project design. With the help of this project, we’ve brought forward reality within the sort of a totally new innovative product.
This USB audio solution brings into play high-speed USB 2.0 with 480mb/s of audio data which delivers 24-bit audio. Approximately 192 KHz of sample frequency is received along side 2-40 audio channels. The extremely supple XMOS machines permit you to custom your solution to the precise combination of interfaces and digital procedures for your finished product.
2.Temperature Controlled Fan : Projects for Embedded Systems
The main intention behind this temperature-controlled fan project is to automatically control the speed of the fan supported the space temperature variations. during this project to read temperature , we bring into play the LM35 sensor which conveys all the variations to the digital to analog converter which converts the variations into a digital signal & sends it to the microcontroller.
After reading the digital signals microcontroller controls the fan speed with the assistance of the relays attached thereto .
3.Highway Navigation System Using Li-Fi
Brief: Using LiFi to transmit information like location or local map data for navigation in the dark outside or inside in large offices, etc. Locations is customized as per requirement.
4. Propeller LED Display: Projects for Embedded Systems
Propeller display may be a linear array of LEDs, rotating at high angular velocity to get a circular screen.
This “illusion” is predicated on inertia of human eye. during this project we rotates a group of LEDs for displaying characters, numbers and symbols during a rotating manner, that’s the rationale to call the system as a propeller LED display.
The rotating light emitting diode display are often disc shaped or cylindrical shaped. Cylindrical displays are capable of displaying digits and text. Disc-shaped displays are wont to display analog clock.
Propeller LED display may be a mechanically scanned device that displays characters during a digital format.
Propeller display are utilized in digital and analog clocks, also wont to display the messages.
5.Biometric Attendance System: Projects for Embedded Systems : Projects for Embedded Systems
In any institute or organization it’s necessary to require the attendance for consistent regulation and payment. Taking attendance manually requires longer and paper work. to unravel this problem automatic attendance using finger print was developed.
This finger print based attendance system is additionally called as Biometric attendance system. Biometrics is that the technology used for authentication. Biometric refers to automatic identification of an individual supported biological characters like finger print, iris, etc. this technique works supported the very fact that no 2 persons will have same finger print within the world. Read the post – Biometric Attendance System to urge more information about this project.
6.Dry Handwashing Machine By Fog Disinfection to save lots of Water
Since the beginning of COVID pandemic it’s been suggested to scrub your hands multiple number of times per day.
But can we afford to waste such huge amount of water. the issues that might be created by wastage of water would create a greater problem than the pandemic itself.
To assist solve this technique we here design a system that gives handwashing while consuming over 95% less water.
Disinfecting our hands from time to time may be a vital think about fighting the pandemic. But does it actually require such a lot water to disinfect your hands.
Additionally many of us actually find yourself over washing their hands (over 15- 20 seconds with full tap released).
Disinfection actually just requires that water reaches every millimeter of your hand along side a disinfectant or soap and it should be only enough to kill any infection or help it slide out of your hand. once we activate a faucet only 10 – 30%water actually touches our skin and rest just flows over this first layer of water.
- Drowsiness Detection System using Eye ratio Technique
- Energy-efficient Face Recognition Authentication System Using Human Detection IoT Modules
- Smart Agriculture Using Internet of Things with Raspberry Pi
- Real-Time Smart Home closed-circuit television of supported Raspberry Pi
- Real Time Application of auto Anti Theft Detection and Protection with Shock Using face recognition and IoT Notification
- Development of a hand-held device for Automatic car place Recognition
- Smart Attendance System using QR Code
- Raspberry Pi Based Smart Wearable Device for ladies Safety using GPS and GSM Technology
- Security Experiences in IoT based applications for Building and Factory Automation
- Design and implementation of an embedded system for data transfer during a car using CAN protocol
- An Efficient Car Parking Management System using raspberry-pi
- Internet of Things (IoT) for Bank Locker Security System